Poor helpless soul.
At least, I’ve been better than this so far.
This is why I left Physics:
Next time conversations stalls, we are breaking out the tasty sandwiches.
For all of you not familiar with web comics, read the alt text.
Last night my ferret spilled an entire soda can on a handwritten, page long letter that was due Wednesday. I just rewrote it. That was…fun?
Crazy Christians with their tasty God.
Ok, today’s kind sucked. But I’m busy! SO hush!
"Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250" - Harper's Index
How’s everyone doing? This OHE has come early today on account of mass and an absent French teacher. If anyone is having trouble viewing the messages, please let me know. I’ll figure something else out.
This morning I was almost rear ended by a Hummer. If any of you know me well enough (which all of you do), you know my complete disdain for Hummers and their owners. The Hummer was so close to me that I could see BEHIND THE GRILL into the car. That’s too close. The guy was on his cell phone and was given plenty of time to stop, but no, he drives a Hummer. He doesn’t have to stop for anything.
Have you ever though about how RIDICULOUS the name Hummer is? Think about it. When you search for “hummers” in Google image, you get a few strip joints and a large amount of innocent, delicate, humming birds. Hummers aren’t exactly quiet, cute, or graceful. So, why the similar name? Because they are stupid. The end.
Yeah, they are soooo safe.
I just took two free dessert things for the Melting Pot. Only catch is you have to spend $25 to get free dessert and I don’t even like restaurant dessert, but hey, it’s free, and they had thousands of them. They won’t miss one more.
Mmmm warm, melted orange plastic. Actually, it’s pretty good.
This is a Fiat concept car, called the Jolly Panda, or something like that.
No doors! You can totally and literally just pick up chicks in this baby. Wooo bro!
Check out the 1958 one.
Screaming out of fear or JOY!
I’d say joy.
Ok, buhbye now.
This is Foxy Lollop, another blocked webcomic at school. Broccoli and cheese…mmmmm.
He misspells things on occasion, but it depends on the character. Some of them have accents. But I don’t know if broccoli and brocoli are dialectally different.
I just listend to A Lifetime by Better Than Ezra. I was stealing Caroline’s iTunes.
I have nothing to do, obviously. I guess I’ll go read Everything is Illuminated. It’s pretty good so far.
This is why I don’t take naps at school. I’m afraid a PANDA WILL EAT ME!
Oh geeze.